
Showing posts from August, 2021

What happened in Afghanistan

Please read till the end.  Few people asked me what's happening in Afghanistan and my views around the same. From my limited understanding by reading books and listening to the subject matter experts on this topic, this is what I think has happened and is going to happen.  Sequence of events :- 1. Taliban Government which comprised mainly of Pashtuns was established in Afghanistan in 1996. They governed under Sharia Law and there were gross violation of human rights, especially for women who were not allowed to educate or roam on the streets without men.  To counter them, Northern Alliance was formed under the leadership of Ahmed Shah Masoud and other warlords like Marshal Dostum, Abdullah Abdullah etc. who represented mainly the ethnic minorities like Tajiks, Uzbeks etc. They challenged the radical government and wanted to bring a liberal establishment in place.  2. Northern Alliance was limited to pockets and used to wage guerrilla war on the Taliban with limited resources and s