
Showing posts from February, 2022

An amateur understanding of Russia - Ukraine Conflict

 In a very emotional  speech  couple of days back, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his decision of recognizing the independence of Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic (together known as the Donbas region - part of eastern Ukraine). And today morning in another  address  , Putin authorized "military operations" in Ukraine and since then, a full fledged military campaign has been launched by Russia in Ukraine which has captured the eyes and ears of people globally. Most prominent question all around is if this is the beginning of the Third World War ? So what exactly is this conflict all about and what is the endgame here ? A Brief Overview of the current situation :- In 1991, the then Soviet Republic (USSR) disintegrated into 15 sovereign countries including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus etc. bringing an end to the Cold war era. At that time, a power differential was created between Russia and the west. Interestingly, Ukraine was the world'